Executive Committee
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Frass (Vienna, A)
Specialist in Internal Medicine and Internal Intensive Care Medicine,
President of the Umbrella Organisation of Austrian Doctors for Holistic Medicine (Dachverband österreichischer Ärztinnen und Ärzte für Ganzheitsmedizin, Vienna, A)
Vice President of the Medical Society for Classical Homeopathy (Ärztegesellschaft für Klassische Homöopathie, Vienna, A)
Contact: 1.vorsitz@wisshom.de and office@ordination-frass.at
Dr. sc. Susanne Ulbrich Zürni (Zurich, CH)
Vice Chair
Dipl. Natw. ETH, Graduate Hom. SHS/SHP
Contact: 2.vorsitz@wisshom.de
Speakers of the Departments
Dr. med. vet. Petra Weiermayer (Vienna, A)
Speaker of the Department Research
Specialist veterinarian for homeopathy, EAVH diploma
Contact: forschung@wisshom.de
Curt Kösters (Hamburg, D)
Speaker of the Department Practice
Medical doctor – Homeopathy
Contact: praxis@wisshom.de
Dr. med. Anna Gerstenhöfer (Marburg-Elnhausen, D)
Speaker of the Department Education and Training
Specialist in general medicine, homeopathy, DZVhÄ diploma
Contact: lehre@wisshom.de
Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Homöopathie (WissHom) / Scientific Society for Homeopathy
Mrs Christiane Graf (Office)
Wallstraße 48
06366 Köthen (Anhalt)
E-mail: info@wisshom.de