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Welcome to the homeopathy libraries of WissHom!

With the beginning of the year 2021, the European Library of Homeopathy (EBH) in Köthen (Anhalt) was transferred from the German Central Association of Homeopathic Physicians (DZVhÄ) to the Scientific Society of Homeopathy (WissHom).

This means that both homeopathy specialist libraries are once again united under one roof.

This is because until the end of 2013, both the Homöopathische Bibliothek Hamburg (HBH) and the Europäische Bibliothek für Homöopathie (EBH) in Köthen (Anhalt) were housed under the umbrella of the DZVhÄ.

Already since January 1, 2014, the Homeopathic Library Hamburg (HBH) has been under the legal responsibility of the Scientific Society for Homeopathy (WissHom), while the European Library for Homeopathy (EBH) remained under the responsibility of the DZVhÄ until the end of 2020.

With these two homeopathic libraries we want to preserve and expand the stock of homeopathic literature and make it accessible to the public and researchers.

The libraries will merge in the near future.


About the Homeopathic Library Hamburg (HBH)







About the European Library of Homeopathy (EBH) in Köthen (Anhalt)