Thema „Null Field“: HRI Statement zu Sigurdson et al.
Im Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (2023;155:64-72) erschien ein Beitrag von Sigurdson MK, et al.: Homeopathy can offer empirical insights on treatment effects in a null field.
„A recent study by Sigurdson et al. selected 50 randomised placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) of homeopathy and calculated the overall size of the treatment effect detected. They found that 80% of the trials were positive for homeopathy, and that homeopathy was twice as likely to have a beneficial effect than placebo (mean effect size 0.36, Odds Ratio 1.94). This positive result is consistent with the findings of an earlier rigorous study which found that individualised homeopathic treatment was 1.5- to 2-times more likely to be beneficial than placebo.
And yet, Sigurdson et al. dismissed these positive results as simply being the result of ‘noise’ or ‘bias’, claiming that they demonstrate the level of error found in all clinical trials rather than demonstrating a real clinical effect of homeopathy.“